Uploading Contacts using Excel file

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GuniSMS provides easy to use send bulk SMS using Excel file.

Contact Upload with Guni:

Audience feature allows you the simplest way to upload multiple contacts from excel

For uploading contact need to follow these steps:

  • Click on Audience shown below the navigation panel.
  • Click on Groups.
  • Click on Add Group.

Now you have to Import contact by uploading files. You will need to ensure that contact list is saved as a .csv or .xls file.

  • Select the pre-exist files to whom you want to send SMS.
  • After uploading files click on Next tab.
  • Choose from the given option: Mobile number, First name and Last name as shown below. The system will auto-detect the mobile phone numbers from your spreadsheet. 
  • After you selected a column to match to a field you will see sample data from your original spreadsheet.
  • Click on Finalize Import.
  • You can add more labels with the help of Add Label tab.
  • Click on Add Label.
  • You can add merge labels to your group from the list below.
  • Click on Product.
  • After that Click on Add Labels.
  • Now, see your added label Product.
  • Click OK to complete the action.

Now you can review the result shown below.

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