Appointment Reminder for Medical Practice Patients – BP

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Guni provides easy way to send appointment reminders to patients. This article explains how you can send appointment reminder message on Best practice patient data.

STEP 1 : Export Appointment Data.

At the end of STEP1, we will have appointment data to import in Guni platform.
  • Open BP – Appointment Book
  • Click File menu – then Export appointments
  • Chose appointment dates
  • Click “Select all” if you wish to send reminder message to all doctors’ patients.
  • Otherwise, you select specific doctors.
  • Click “Export button”
  • Save file as “CSV”

STEP2: Send appointment SMS using Guni

  • Login to Guni SMS – Sign in. We recommend to use desktop to create and run campaign on BP patients data.
  • If you don’t have Guni account please create free Guni account Sign-up
  • Activate BP medical appointment feature:
    • Normal profile does not have capability to send medical appointments reminder
    • Please send email to to get medical appointment activated.
  • Click share – add guni sms as editor
  • Click Send
  • Copy file name from google sheet url
  • Click google sheet icon
  • Enter copied google sheet url and click save.
  • Create Appointement Template
    • Click Template Menu from Left
    • Click + icon
    • Enter appointment name
    • Write appointment text – “This is an appt reminder on {{date}} at {{timestamp}}. Please reply Y or call <phone number>. <Clinic name>”
    • Change <phone number> with your practice number
    • Change <clinic name> with your practice name.
  • Go File Scheduler
    • Click + icon
    • Upload saved file to platform.
    • Select sender #sharednum# or Dedicated number if you have dedicated number activated in your provide.
    • Select Schedule time. Please give 20 minutes adavnce time. If there is an issue. You can cancel scheduling.
    • Select your Time Zone.
    • Select Template.
    • Click save.
  • Click File Scheduler
  • Incase of issue with file or scheduling file. Please click “Delete File Schedule”
  • Schedule again.

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