Set Sender ID

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Sender ID

Custom business name is disabled by default. You can request the Guni team for the business name”

Type of senders
  • Shared number
    • A shared number is a virtual number that is assigned to your account for a temp period. It is free and enables you to receive replies and stop (opt-out). Your customers might receive SMS from different numbers as the shared number belongs to a number of pools. After verification of your account onboarding team will activate the shared number feature on your account.
  • Business Name
    • A business name is 11 characters “Alpha numeric” word.
  • Dedicated Number
    • A dedicated virtual number will be allocated to your account. Your customer will receive the SMS always from the same number. DN cost AUD15 per month.

Request Business Name

  • Go Profile > sender IDs
  • Click request business name
  • Enter business name in popup
  • Click Send Request.
  • Our team will contact you after receiving your request.

Request Dedicated number

Free Trial

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