Integrate Agile CRM with Guni SMS

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We are integrating Agile CRM with GuniSMS

Open the GuniSMS Zapier link to create a ZAP

Step 1:

Login to your Zapier account. 

Accept Zapier application

And then click Make a Zap! button.

Step 2:

Let’s search and select Agile CRM as our trigger app. Next, check New Event as our trigger action. Then click Continue button.

Step 3:

Let’s link your Agile CRM account.

Select Choose Account.

Click Connect an Account button.

Enter your Username and API Key or Password.

Also enter your Agile CRM Domain name.

Then click Yes, Continue button.

Then click Continue button.

  • Test your Trigger if it is correctly connected.  
  • Click Continue and choose action.

Step 4: Choose Guni as action app.

  • Next, let’s add yourGuniSMS account. Click Connect an Account button.
  • There should be a popup saying to add or allow your Zapier and GuniSMS account to be linked together. 
  • Type in your GuniSMS username and password
  • Test.

Choose Action – This is what will fire when a trigger occurs.

  • Choose an account.
  • Choose event as Send SMS

Step 5:

  • Then, setup action and fill in the required fields and click Continue.  
  • Click on Test and Review.  
  • If the test is successful, it will send the SMS to the specified sender.  
  • Turn on Zap and you’re done.
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